In my opinion, there are two kinds of models in our industry. Good ones and bad ones. Lila is the perfect example of an excellent model. Lets get past her beautiful face and exquisite physique and see what really makes her great.
She is Professional
Lila drove from Georgia to shoot with us and she arrived ready to work. I have had the displeasure of working with some models that arrive and then spend silly amounts of time on their phones before getting ready to shoot.
She Knows How To Model
Great models know that modeling is about subtle changes to their poses that way they don't stand in front of the camera trying to dream up a new pose for every shot. Further more, Lila knows how to make her facial expressions augment her poses. Its amazing how many models do not realize that their facial expressions can make or break a shot. As a photographer, I will every now and again ask the model to pose a certain way. A good model, however, takes that pose and runs with it.
She Brings Idea To The Table
When I was setting up the shoot with Lila, I gave her a rough idea of the look I wanted to create. Lila not only rocked all my ideas (have you seen the first c-string set yet?) but also brought other looks that we shot.
I really enjoyed working with Lila and she is without a doubt in my top 3 models thats I have ever worked with.
If you haven't already, check out her photosets:
Lila Set 1 - Green thong and sheer top